Monsieur Basudeb CHAUDHURI
Education :
• Ph.D., University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
• M.A and B.A. : University of Calcutta, Presidency College, India.
Work Experience :
• Director, Centre the Sciences Humaines, the Research Centre of the French External Affairs Ministry in New Delhi
• Research Fellow, Center for Southa Asian Studies, UMR 8564 EHESS-CNRS, Paris
• Research Associate, London School of Economics, 2002-2003
• Vice-President, University of Caen, 2006-2007, France
Recent Publications :
• Chaudhuri, B. V. Marimoutou, H. Chevrou Sévérac (2007) : Regional Disparities in India, in the Oxford Companion to Economics in India, edited by Kaushik Basu, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
• Basudeb Chaudhuri (2005, in italian) Ineguaglianza sociale e discriminazione positiva in India: dove stanno i limiti del consenso di sovrapposizione? ( titre en anglais : Social Inequality and positive discrimination in India : where are the limits of the overlapping consensus?) in Pluralismo e società multietniche, edited by Pierluigi Barrotta, Edizioni ETS Pisa, Italie
• 2004: Frédéric Landy et Basudeb Chaudhuri (co-direction): : Globalization and Local Development in India: Examining the Spatial Dimension , Manohar Publishers – Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi
• 2003: Chaudhuri, Basudeb et Mary-Françoise Renard : Ch 2 Section 1, La dimension spatiale de l'industrialisation en Chine, p. 36-44, et Ch 3 Section 2, Les acteurs de l'industrialisation en Chine, p. 71-80, in Dynamiques Spatiales de l'Industrialisation : Chine, Inde, Thaïlande, sous la direction de Loraine Kennedy, Doryane Kermel-Torres, Philippe Schar, éditions de l’UNESCO, série MOST (Management of Social Transformation), Paris
• 2002: Frédéric Landy et Basudeb Chaudhuri (co-direction) : Questions d'échelles : de la globalisation au développement local en Inde, édition CNRS, série sciences sociales du monde indien